At a time when the frayed social fabric of our nation can feel beyond repair, Americans need to hear, see, and experience people coming together across their differences to solve problems and build belonging in their communities. Film is a powerful way of sharing those stories that can spark conversation and dialogue.
During the 2nd Annual Better Together Film Festival - a feature initiative of National Week of Conversation - communities across the country will host screenings of films that inspire hope and celebrate values of bridging divides. Each screening event will include a post-film activity where audience members will have the chance to reflect on the film and build connections with fellow community members.
Check out the lineup of featured films. Click to see details about each film, watch the trailers, and sign up to attend a screening event near you!
Below is a list of screening locations, as well as a variety of other local and virtual events happening April 21-27, 2025 as part of National Week of Conversation.
The Elephant in the Room
A Case for Love
All God's Children
A Roadtrip Across A Divided America
Tennessee 11
Any public or private organization entered in hosting a FREE event to screen one or more of our festival's films and facilitate a post=screening dialogue or activity is invited to sign up as a Hosting Partner
Libraries, museums, community centers, schools, houses of workshop, local theaters, etc. are encouraged to participate
Hosting Partners will receive a full resource kit and hands-on support to ensure screening events go smoothly and generate value for the organization
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April 24, 2025
April 23, 2025